If it will show the version of the SKSE64, all are running fine. Forum:CC:Questions about the Skyrim horsesĪny mod has simply the description and the link. Next, you need several Utilities to install and use together with MO2. In Category Setup popup, press the Yes button. The one which I started modding SSE and the one that eventually became as it is now - a very strong upgrade! My system is available on the bottom of this guide. I easily finished the guide I was shocked from the superb result! This is the B. After I successfully finished it painfully… after 2 weeks, since Mod Organizer is anything but not user-friendlyI decided to install from scratch a full total-overhaul setup with wizard installer, all installed automatically! Hahaha… I truly lost my sleep! After, again, of friends suggestions, I started… modding.

Because my argue with some from the Nexus team, I was very insulted, very angry and generally very negative towards the Nexus community.

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